


1. Adequate time together. Marriage will become a garden of joy when couples always create time to be together. It stimulate bonding and help couples to know each other better. When couples always create time to be together it will eliminate conflicts and improve their joy in their marriage.

2. Regular Communication: Talking together with your spouse regularly is one of the ways by which you can eliminate worry and boredom in your marriage. If you can talk regularly together, you can take each other far in the marriage. One of the reasons why many marriages are center of conflicts is because couples don’t create time to talk about their marriage.

3. Regular playing together: Couples who plays regularly together are always happy together. Create time to play together, dance together, play games and engage in fun fill events, they will all brightening up your joy in the marriage.

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4. Appreciate each other: Showing appreciation for the little things that your spouse did in the marriage will spike joy in the marriage. Appreciate every little efforts of your spouse to make the marriage great. Your ‘”Thank You” and words of encouragement will always lightening the joy of your spouse.

5. Surprises: There is nothing that would create and give your spouse a WOW experience like surprising him or her with something special. Your spouse will always treat you special when you have the heart of surprising him or her with a gift, doing house chores and occasionally invite him or her for a date.

6. Protection: You will not know how joyful your spouse could be until an issue happened between your spouse and someone outside or the family and you are able to confidently stannd to defend and protect the image or integrity of your spouse. When your spouse knew that you can always stand for him or her even in his or her presence or absence, it will increase his or her confident and joy in the marriage.

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7. Care: Couples who cares for each other are always like a garden with sweet fruits. Your spouse can do anything just to make you happy, when he or she knew that you really care about him or her.

8. Rest: When a man is sure of his rest and peace of mind in the marriage, he will be like a bird that cannot leave without his nest. If you can make your marriage a peaceable and restful habitation for your spouse, you will see how happy he or she will always feel being at home. If you cannot give him the rest at home, he may not always be next beside you always.

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9. Pray together: Praying together as couple is one of the secrets of bonding and joy in any marriage. Couples who pray together are always close together and faithful to each other. Praying with your spouse regularly will make your spouse have confidence and trust in you.

10. Date! Date! Date Your Spouse: Dating is one of the secrets to aflame the fire of joy, intimacy and romance in marriage. You can’t be dating your spouse and be sorrowful because dating comes with bundle of joy and sweet memories.

There is lots of benefits for going out on dates with your spouse regularly. Get my book (WONDERS OF DATING YOUR SPOUSE’) for all you need to know about the benefits of dating your spouse.

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