Anambra: RoLAC Trains Stakeholders On Effective Communication Of Its Interventions

The Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption (RoLAC) 2 programme has held a two day capacity building workshop on effective ways to communicate its interventions in Anambra State which are geared towards consolidating the rule of law and anti-corruption reforms through improved justice and anti-corruption systems that enhance social cohesion.

Angel Network News (ANN) reports that
the RoLAC programme also seeks to enhance performance, quality and the oversight of the criminal justice system as well as of justice service delivery, while also improving access to justice for vulnerable women, children, juveniles, persons with disabilities and victims of sexual and gender based violence.

The programme funded by European and implemented by International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, (IIDEA), is equally designed to increase transparency and accountability of anti-corruption systems and reforms.

Addressing participants, RoLAC Project Coordinator in Anambra State, Josephine Onah, explained that the workshop became imperative to arm participants drawn from law enforcement agencies, anti-corruption and justice sectors as well as civil society, media and relevant MDAs with requisite knowledge to effectively communicate the organization’s operations and activities in the area for positive outcome.

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“We really felt this is important to gather your people here so that we can develop compelling messages that will not only resonate with the people but will convey our works in the state in the most effective manner’.

“Do not stop at attending the training. Go ahead to share the messages that are being developed on various media platforms. I need you to know that the RoLAC 2 programme will not succeed in Anambra without the support of critical stakeholders including those of you here”.

The facilitator of the training, Murkthar Suleiman, who heads the Communications Department of the RoLAC programme in Nigeria, shared the rudiments of effective communication with participants, “Effective communication is a prodcut of active listening, complementing verbal communication, as well as established trust and rapport,

“Also, you must know your audience by identifying their needs and preferences so that you can craft messages that are relevant and resonate with them. Choosing the right channel and adapting communication style for different situations are equally very critical”.

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Suleiman also took participants on the art of storytelling in project management, which he noted can be delivered with strong storytelling ability. “Apart from your storytelling having a character, a message, a progression as well as result and impact, you must also understand your audience to be able to reach them in the most effective way.

“The way you tell your story to the audience determines your success rate. Create compelling story that stirs emotions and connects with audiences on a deeper level. Stories make your content memorable and shareable.

He listed other ingredients of storytelling to include: visual appeal, conciseness of the message, as well as creativity and tactful deployment of humour. “Use humour wisely. It can be a powerful tool for engagement, but make sure it aligns with your brand personality and it does not offend your audience.

“Also, there should be a clear call to action to elicit actions from the audience such as liking, sharing or visiting the websites.

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In another presentation, the Communications expert explained the importance o messaging to the success of a project including helping to deliver a uniform message across all communication channels.
“It equally ensures that the audience receives the same key information reducing confusion, strengthens the brand’s identity and values as well as helps in building a recognizable and trustworthy image.

In a remark on behalf of others, a media professional, Alfred Ajayi, appreciated RoLAC for organising the training and the facilitator for a good job, assuring that they will put into practice all that they had been taught in communicating the programmes and projects of their various institutions effectively to the public.

“These two days have been very impactful. We promise to apply the knowledge garnered here in our respective vocations. We also pledge our collective commitment to the RoLAC 2 programme in Anambra State. In togetherness, we shall achieve much more”.

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