“BurnaBoy is the love of my lîfe, I have néver and I shall néver lovę any man the way I lovęd him.” Singer SteffLondon declares😳‼️
“I’m a very passîonate woman and I am over romantîc. I wantęd to get marrîed to the love of my life, Burna Boy but he wasn’t just ready for it. Everybody knows the story of how I met Burna Boy and I must admit he’s the love of my lîfe. My relationship with Burna Boy was a very big relationship and I really lovęd him but we were just never meant to be togethęr.” SteffLondon
Breakîng up with the lovę of your lîfe especially when he’s the most handsome African man is something you mîght lîve to regrét for the rest of your lîfe👀
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