Fubara hired Cultists and Gunmen to shoot Local Government Chairmen- Ex- Ikwere LGA Chairman Alleged

Fubara hired Cultists and Gunmen to sh00t Local Government Chairmen- Ex- Ikwere LGA Chairman Alleged

A Governor that is sitting hired Cultists led by his Chief of Staff Edison Ehie and they are going, local government by local government breaking local government secretariat, l00ting council, l00ting councils properties in the name of governing a state.

We are calling on Mr president that this is the time for the constitution of Nigeria to be upheld.

The governor of Rivers state has brought back insecurity full blown into Rivers state.

He has gone to the cliffs, he has hired gunm£n they have come in, they are sh00ting at local government chairmen, they are sh00ting at local government councils, they have taken over council. They even sh0t police men, sponsored by the governor and Edison Ehie. It’s a sham£.

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– Ex Ikwere Local Government Chairman


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