Handy bulker prices remain firm

Sales in dry bulk are easing in line with the cooling of the Baltic Dry Index, which has dropped by around one-third since mid-March. However, in one segment – the handy one – prices continue to stay firm.

Japanese heavyweight Orix Corp is reportedly cashing in, selling the 37,100 dwt, Saiki-built Susanoo Harmony for $29.5m, a new high according to brokers. 

This is the second sale by the owner in months. The same outfit sold a five-year-old Tsuneishi Cebu-built handy for $26m in November to Nova Carriers, who is now selling the ship again for $28m.

One of the most reported sales this week is the sale of the 2019-built, 39,200 dwt Atlantic Prism, built at Shin Kurushima. This Japanese-controlled ship is widely reported to have sold for $28.5m. This ship has a special survey and drydock due. 

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Also, older handies are being sold for firm prices, with sales registers showing that two 14-year-old Jiangmen Nanyang-built vessels, 32,700 dwt in size, fetched just under $11m each.

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