
“I took care of Mr Ibu for over 5-months and nobody knew about it and I shall never say it anywhere. Good deeds shouldn’t be displayed on Camera.” Rudeboy

“I took care of Mr Ibu for over 5-months and nobody knew about it and I shall never say it anywhere. Good deeds shouldn’t be displayed on Camera.” Rudeboy

“Mr Ibu is one of the 2 parents that played in P-Square’s “Bank Alert” video. After staring in the video, Mr Ibu promoted the song as if his lîfe depended on it. “Bank Alert” is one of P-Square’s biggest hîts and I don’t think I shall be able to thank Mr Ibu enough for all he did. So when he was sîck, I abandoned all my businesses to go take care of him. Alot of people who came to visit Mr Ibu like VeryDarkMam saw me there and I told them not tell anyone. I myself I shall never tell anyone that I was the one taking care of Mr Ibu. I was even sleeping in the hospital but I didn’t want people to know because if they found out that I was there, everybody would’ve stôpped the donations.” Rudeboy

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Shout-out to those who don’t render help for the Cameras and never say it anywhere

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