
“It’s not my faũlt that I marrîed a rich handsome billionaire. I know I am privileged and opportuned but that doesn’t stóp me from telling îgnorant people like you what is right or wrông.” Regina Daniels

“It’s not my faũlt that I marrîed a rich handsome billionaire. I know I am privileged and opportuned but that doesn’t stóp me from telling îgnorant people like you what is right or wrông.” Regina Daniels

“Can you all see what is happening in the North? They’re hoistîng the Russian flag! Is that what we want? Mind you, whatever happens I’m the North can get to you. I preachęd agaînst vîolence and îgnorant Nigerians said it’s because I’m privileged, it’s because I’m opportuned! Yes! The fact remains that I am privileged and opportuned.

But that doesn’t stóp me from understanding that my nannies need to be payed extra. Or stóp me from understanding that my gateman and my cooks need to be well cartered for because of insecurîty and extra bîlls to be payed in Nigeria. The point remains that Nigeria cannot be changed in a day and not by one man.

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I am not speaking for the govęrnment, neither am I speaking for you people to love me. I don’t need your love because my husband’s love is enough for me. The earlier we all realize that this protęst is turning to something else, the better for us.” Regina Daniels

Regina Daniels while in the United States Of America yells at Nigerians who have refusęd to heed to her advice🙇

If 14-year old Aunty Success successfully marrîes Ned Nwoko, she’s gonna start advising Nigerians too🥲

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