“I’ve not had sęxx for the past 10 years now because I’m tîred of test-driving womęn. I know what I want now but I still can’t spend more than 50 Cents on a womãn.” 50 Cent.

“I’ve not had sęxx for the past 10 years now because I’m tîred of test-driving womęn. I know what I want now but I still can’t spend more than 50 Cents on a womãn.” 50 Cent.

“What I need in a womãn right now is just real friendship. We all need to understand that the foundations of a good relationship is friendship and not sęxx. As soon as sęxx is introduced in a relationship, everything changes, womęn change expectations and make hîgher demands. Womęn belîeve that sęxx is a sign of love but we men ain’t like that. A man can have sęxx with a womãn and still be in the friend-zone but the womãn won’t feel that way. Men just slęep with womęn because it’s good. It’s kinda like before you buy a car, you’ve gotta do a test-drive so we men test-drive womęn to see if we love them. But as I’ll always say, even when you’re test-driving womęn, don’t spend your money on them. Limit the money you spend on womęn to 50 Cents.” 50 Cent.

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