Mark Angel Comedy has not posted any other comedian on his page since 2015 .

Mark has not posted any other comedian on his page since 2015.

Go to Sabinus you’ll realized he has and given shoutouts many times

Go to Brain Jotter , he has and given shoutouts many times .

Go to Davido , someone who has excess money and might never need anyone ,he gives shoutouts to others .

We’ve seen Brain Jotter raised millions for a woman at his show , seen him changed the live of the Gwo gwo singer . We’ve seen Sabinus give out millions .,

We are not saying he must do it but these days the best investment is human capital . The people you lift are an investment.

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Mark is a great comedian and you can’t take that away from him . He is just failing at the level of helping others .

Moral lesson : We rise by lifting others 🙏🙏

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