1. BIRDS WAKE UP EARLY AND SLEEP EARLY. Too much sleep leads to stress. Lack of sleep could lead to depression. Sleep early. Wake early. Reflect on your goals each day.
2. BIRDS WORK HARD TO GET THEIR DAILY BREAD. Don’t wait for anybody. Be a source of change. Greatness requires hard work and commitment. You can design your future from where you are.
3. BIRDS INVEST THEIR YOUTHFUL AGE ON BUILDING THEIR HOUSES.🏠Build your own House. Invest your youthful time in developing your gift and talent. Strength and agility are seasonal.
4. BIRDS ARE CONSISTENT. Birds never changed how they eat, sleep or live since 10,000 years ago. It takes them days to build their houses. You should know how difficult taking leaves from one place to another. Therefore, be consistent. Wait for the right time. Your little progress will eventually become a massive success.
5. BIRDS OF THE SAME COLOR, ATTITUDE AND FEATHERS FLOCK TOGETHER. Avoid associating with people who have no vision. By association, the lion destroys an elegant.
6. BIRDS KNOW AND FULFILL THEIR PURPOSE. One of the purposes of birds is to beautify nature with their flight skills. You are born for a purpose too.
7. BIRDS ARE ALWAYS WATCHFUL. birds are sensitive. They know when to fly from evil. Some friends are unknown enemies. Be careful and be watchful.
8. BIRDS DON’T WASTE. They eat what they should eat and leave. birds are very disciplined. God hates waste. Manage his resources wisely and diligently. If you can’t clean your rented apartment, how would he trust you to give yours?