
“Since my ex-hũsband, Offset and I dîvorced, I’ve made double the money I used to make when we were still marrîed. And I don’t think I’ll ever get marrîed again because men are scũm” Cardi B

“Since my ex-hũsband, Offset and I dîvorced, I’ve made double the money I used to make when we were still marrîed. And I don’t think I’ll ever get marrîed again because men are scũm” Cardi B

“Marrîage somehow deraîls people especially womęn. Like when I was still marrîed to Offset, there are things that I couldn’t do because I was marrîed but now I’m doing them it’s giving me real money. When a guy bręaks up with you, the only thing that’s gonna make you happy is not sleepîng with another guy, not d!cks, none of that or like even datîng a new guy really fast. . But the only thing that’s gonna make you happy after a bręak up is work, working and seeing the money makes you happy because men will always be men. Even if you get into a new relationship immediately after a bręak up, it won’t make you happy because the new guy will still bręak your heart.” Cardi B

READ ALSO  "I was happier being a strîpper than being marrîed to my ex-hũsband, Offset." Cardi B

Cardi B gives a boss lady advise after dîvorce with Offset

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