“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t Elon Musk. Being the richest man in the world is borîng, I want to be brõke again.” Elon Musk

“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t Elon Musk. Being the richest man in the world is borîng, I want to be brõke again.” Elon Musk
“I don’t think if most people knew how boring it is to have over $400-billion and be able to buy anything you want is they’d wanna be me. People may think they wanna be me but they don’t understand how borîng and difficult it is to be me. My mind is st0rm, I just wanna be brõke again.” Elon Musk
Elon Musk’s networth has now surpassed over $416-billion and he still works every single day to get richer but he revealed that being rich is borîng 👀